施力端錨具(BEM A type):
施力端錨具的作用端錨組的鋼絞線束經由千斤頂施拉後,透過錨頭內的夾片將鋼絞線錨固並由錨座架將預力傳遞置混凝土結構中。BEM A type 的錨座架透過單一承壓板將
施力端錨具(BEM A type):
施力端錨具的作用端錨組的鋼絞線束經由千斤頂施拉後,透過錨頭內的夾片將鋼絞線錨固並由錨座架將預力傳遞置混凝土結構中。BEM A type 的錨座架透過單一承壓板將預力傳遞至混凝土,BEM A type施力端錨組可做為固定端錨使用。
BEM-Stressing Anchorage(type A):
The stressing anchorage set (BEM) can be used either at the fixed or stressing end of PT work. The steel strands through this anchorage set need to be first pulled by the jack and then fixed with the wedges such that the PT can be transmitted to the concrete structure via the casting plate. The BEM Type A set transfers the PT into the concrete by the casting plate with a single plane.
施力端錨組(BEM B type):
功能與BEM A Type相同,BEM B type 的錨座架透過多個承壓面(multiplane)將預力傳遞至混凝土,BEM B type的承壓面□k較A type的承壓面□c小,BEM B type施力端錨組可做為固定端錨使用。
BEM-Stressing Anchorage(type B) :
BEM Type B has the same function as type A. The BEM Type B set does so by the casting plate with multiple planes. Another difference between these two types is that the bearing area of Type B is smaller than that of Type A.