押出機: 鉅彥的押出機,根據原料的不同(如色母、添加劑),機器可做出不同的產量,螺桿元件和料缸是模組設計,可變更排列組合,主餵料或測餵料可搭配不同計量方式的入料系統,可視原料不同,選擇不同的切粒系統,包括拉條式切力、水環模頭切粒、冷氣模頭切粒與水中造利系統,產能依原料的不同,產能可達每小時30-1600公斤不等。
All of the cost item down and User-friendly
=Mixing and Compounding effect + (Recycle) Renewable Energy
【How do we make the cost down and keep excellent quality!?】
Recycle process and Compounding process already combine in one step, could saving energy and cost of convey and labor. Due to excellent compounding effective of twin screw exreuder, so it can increase ths CaCo3 (80↑) percentage contained in finish pellets, in others words.. material cost is lower.
【Why the main advantage is ''Segment Type'' of Twin Screw?!】
MATILA twin screw extruder main advantage of segment type, The extruder is divided into feeding, convey, mixing, metering, melting, dispersing, kneading, degassing etc.
You can make any adjustment in each block demand by final product quest, without the need for a re-scre
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