Cellergy Super capacitors Application for High Current Pulse Transmitting
Cellergy Super capacitors EDLC Pulse Application –Application for High Current Pulse Transmitting
1. Super capacitors operate as a bridge between electrolyte capacitors and batteries
2. High Power relative to batteries
3. capable of producing a high current pulse
4. High Energy relative to regular capacitors
5. capable of accumulating a higher charge
High capacitance (1 – 1,000mF)
High energy density / High Power
Small dimensions (from 12 x 12 mm to 48 x 30 mm)
Low ESR (from 10mΩ to 1Ω )
Expected life 50,000 hrs. Expected life 50,000 hrs.
Operating Temperatures - 40℃ to +70℃/85℃
1.高容值 High capacitance (1 - 1000mF)
2.高能量密度 High energy density / High Power
3.體積小 Small dimensions (from 12 x 12 mm to 48 x 30 mm)
4.低阻抗Low ESR (from 10mΩ to 1Ω )
5.工作溫度- 40℃ to +70℃/85℃
1. 超級電容填補了電池與普通電容之間的功率空隙,它能提供比電池更高的突發功率,並比普通電容儲存更多能量。超級電容可為峰值功率事件(如GSM/GPRS射頻突發發送、GPS資料讀取、音樂播放、 LED閃光燈和視訊播放)提供所需的突發功率,然後接受電池的再充電,能延長通話時間、電池壽命;提供更高亮度閃光及更良好音樂品質
2. 超級電容器並非主電源,而是作為輔助電源來使用。當設備的電流負荷暫時增加時,通過使用該電容器補充電流,可以起到防止電壓下降和主電源壽命縮短
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