Customized SD Memory Card
*Compliant with SD 3.0, 2.0 & 1.1 Standards
* Form factors: SD (Normal Speed) / SDHC (High Speed) / SDXC (Ultra High Speed:
* Capacities Available: 4GB – 256GB
* Video Speed: C4 / C6 / C10, U1, U3, V30
* Flash Type: Single Level Cell (SLC) Multi-Level Cell (MLC) and Triple Level Cell
* Write Speeds up to 100 MB/s, it is Class/Flash-type/Capacity dependent
* Operating Voltage: 2.7V - 3.6V
* Certifications: CE, FCC, RoHS
* SDHC and SDXC Logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.
請您仔細看 同一條掛繩 加上不同的配件 就有不同的視覺效果 當然 也稍稍微有價差 但 它的效用是一樣