不鏽鋼鏈條沒有毒性且具有優異的耐腐蝕性以及耐高 / 低溫特性,使不鏽鋼鏈條廣泛使用於食品業、加工業、醫療、實驗室…等產業。
亦提供其他鏈條零件做選購: 插銷式全目接頭、卡片式全目接頭、半目接頭、雙節距半目接頭、外鏈節、內鏈節。
Stainless steel roller chains and double-pitch conveyor chains are made of SUS304 material and complied with ANSI and ISO and standards.
The chains are non-toxic and have great corrosion and chemical resistance.
They can be applied in high and low temperature.
With these features, stainless steel chains are commonly used in food, medical, lab, processing industries and so on.
Additional stainless steel connecting links (master links), offset links (half links), pin links and roller links are available.