拉釘是一種可以鉚合兩個或者兩個以上板件的產品,主要取代以往用焊接或螺絲鎖附的方式,採用拉釘來結合,可以達到物件所需的拉、剪力,亦能提高生產效率。本公司提供各類功能性拉釘及專業諮詢,並依客戶需求做最佳選擇。 |
The ability to set marigold rivets without the need for access at the back of the work makes their use mandatory in many instances. However, their many additional advantages make marigold rivets the logical choice in numerous applications where the blind rivet setting feature is not of primary importance |
馬自達,MAZDA 汽車,原廠,摺疊鑰匙~代客製作 原廠,摺疊鑰匙 馬自達,馬3、馬6,馬5,馬2