1 LED七彩牡丹燈, 自動緩慢變色, 色彩柔和,(如圖左邊)2直徑12CM, 高度约7cm(花的部分6cm),3花辦是
1 LED七彩牡丹燈, 自動緩慢變色, 色彩柔和,(如圖左邊) 2直徑15CM, 高度约7cm(花的部分6cm), 3花辦是絹布做的,葉是彷真EVA,底座ABS電池盒,用3個AA/3號電池, 有開關按扭,,鹼性電池可續電200小時. 碳酸電池可續電150小時 4一盒兩個, Led peony light BI_peony001 (silk cloth) 1 led peony light with colorchanging function, light colorchanging smoothly and softly. 2 diameter 15cm, height 7cm (height for flower 5cm), flower is made of sik cloth, materials for leaf is EVA, battery case in the bottom is made of ABS, 3 work with 3 pcs of AA, 120-150 hours
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