Real Imager DSII, is an equipment of skin analyzer
The Real Imager (DS III )combines functionality in a high tech facial imaging system. Triple light source Normal light, Polarized light and UV light helps visualize the unique color signatures of skin components, enablingskin care professionals to provide clear and meaningful client communications. Affordable and portable, it’s an ideal addition for any spa, skin care counter or medical practice.
肌膚監測儀 DS III 是一套面部皮膚檢測儀
這是一套高清晰、客觀的醫美療程監測設備,在一般醫美療程中醫病之間總是對著同一目標進行著療程,然而療程的溝通與療效的評估認知總有著不可避免的落差,甚至演變成糾紛! 如何降低此一落差呢? 每次療程前後拍下一組高清的相片是很重要的。
在傳統的做法裡,很多醫師自備一台相機,但是仍有可能因為拍攝時光影、角度等因素沒有拍出具有足夠參考價值的相片! 現在,有了肌膚監測儀 DSIII 以後,由特定的光源、特製的攝影棚讓拍下的照片張張清析且具有定量品質。
此外,DS III 也提供了三道光源:
Triple light source
Skin scanner from normal light
*Full-spectrum light wavelength:
Also known as simulated daylight wavelength, together with the professionally designed photo studio, can clearly show subtle features of the skin for professional diagnosis and analysis. (Under this light source, we can observe: roughness, textures, wrinkles, fullness of skin mounds, whitening evaluation, and pore sizes.)
Skin camera from polarized light
*Polarized light zone:
Utilizes the patented polarization theory, filtering shadows and reflections caused by skin textures and grease to allow clear observing of melanin and hemoglobin distribution under the skin. Under such lighting, spots and microvascular are clearly visible. (Under this light source, we can observe: the distribution of melanin, microvascular sensitivity and expansion, acne inflammation.)
利用專利偏光原理將皮膚表面因光影造成的皮溝皮丘及油光反射呈像濾掉因此可以清楚觀察皮下黑色素及血紅色的分布狀況,在此光源下色斑及微血管將清楚呈現。(此光源下可觀察: 黑色素分布狀況、敏感、微血管擴張、發炎青春痘)
Skin image from woods light
*Wood’s light zone:
Many biological characteristics are especially present under the Wood’s light source, such as: porphyrins, and sebum, pigmentation and dead skin cells. Different sebum shows different fluorescence phenomena, and pigmentation’s and dead skin cells’ presence are different depending on the UV absorption. Therefore, under the Wood’s light, we can observe many skin features. (Under this light source, we can observe: deep pigmentation spots, white sebum, porphyrins, normal orange sebum, healthy skin with active oil secretion, sensitive skin with active oil secretion, healthy skin, pigmentation, pigment-based dark eye circles, old dead skin cells…)
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