鎧應科技致力於多媒體數位電子看板(Digital Signage)產品與服務的開發與行銷,針對家戶外數位媒體(out-of-home digital media)專案的需求,開發一系列專業產品,包括:數位看板播放器、中央控管伺服器、與各式管理與應用軟體。數位看板(Digital Signage),又稱電子看板、多媒體看板、電子廣告看板等,是一個多媒體或甚至互動的溝通平台,能快速傳遞有效資訊給各商業應用場合的目標客戶群(收視群),例如:學校、飯店、企業、美術館、政府機構、零售商場、銀行、醫院、交通運輸等。
CAYIN Technology provides Dynamic Digital Signage solutions, including media players, servers, and management software, dedicated for the out-of-home digital media network. Digital signage, also known as narrowcasting, electronic billboards, digital screen network and digital sign, is a multimedia, or even interactive platform to convey effective information to targeted customers in a variety of commercial venues, such as corporate, education, museum, retail, hospitality, hotel, bank, government, and transportation.