

Professional LED Manufacturer

  • 公司名稱:聯宇電子股份有限公司
  • 連絡電話:02-2***********
  • 電子郵件:s3*@lenoo.com
  • 詢價官網:https://lenoo.web66.com.tw
LENOO Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 1987 to manufacture a wide range of LED products.LENOO supplies local and international markets with high quality products and efficient customer service with highly competitive prices.
LENOO's production facilities cater for the manufacture of an extensive range of mainstream and specialized LED and related products.We therefore welcome your order for any product, including specialized or custom-made designs.Our mainstream products include LED lamp, super bright white LED lamps, seven segment displays (digit displays), dot/matrix displays, infrared LED, phototransistors, pin photodiodes, photo interrupter, SMD LEDand high-power LED. In the same way that optoelectronic technology has developed, LENOO have also developed our company mission to provide greater customer value and satisfaction.As a manufacturer, we are in the position to care for your interests all the way through: from the initial point of inquiry, to ordering (including custom designs), manufacturing, packaging, prompt delivery, and after sales care.


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