慧盛科技股份有限公司 Wison Technology
在生活中,信用卡的盜刷、汽機車被偷竊、小偷闖空門的事件層出不窮。 以往的資料管理,均藉由密碼或防火牆軟體來維護。隨著和駭客入侵技巧的日趨高明,現階段的防護措施已不敷使用,因此生物辨識技術及相關商品便因應而起 ;微軟公司指出二十一世紀的關鍵技術是生物辨識,並計劃將其整合至下一代Windows 作業系統中。這也是慧盛科技選擇發展生物辨識技術的原因。東區新竹市光復路二段289號11F-2 Wison Technology Corp., a professional biometric developer, was established in December, 2003. We develop and research the fingerprint authentication algorithm, design the fingerprint image-capture device and integrate the highly efficient DSP module for the OEM manufacturers and the system integrators.
In life , credit cards are illegally used, motorcycles and automobiles are easily stolen and the families are intruded by the robbers. With these instances , along with others , the current shelter mechanism has already been challenged. Besides, Microsoft has already indicated that the key technology of the 21
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