虹堡科技 Castles Technology
虹堡科技成立於1993年,為有多年經驗之晶片卡(IC卡)讀卡機設備及POS設備製造商,所研發之產品廣泛行銷於國際市場上;公司實收資本額為新臺幣321,982,950元整,2007年營業額約為新臺幣7億元, 約2千2百萬美元。
虹堡公司過去之業務發展,主要以外銷為主,但由於國內晶片卡(IC卡)專案不斷推出,且虹堡在晶片卡(IC卡)領域之專業表現,為國內業界有目共睹之成就。故獲得國內外多家知名廠商之認同與肯定,得以參與及協助許多專案,並從每一專案中,吸收學習許多寶貴的經驗。新店區北新路三段205號2F(台北矽谷大樓) Castles Technology Co, Ltd was established in 1993 by a visionary group of engineers and was originally commit in the developing of POS and its peripherals. Today, Castles Technology has employed 80 people and received USD $9.76 million capital.(NTD$321,982,950). Also Castles Technology has being the top smart card reader, EFTPOS and Contactless Reader solution provider. Our unique combination of our POS knowledge and smart card reader technology know-how bring particular value to our clients.
Castles has involved in various well-known national projCastles has a successful track record of projects in the areas
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