富昱生化科技(股)公司 Fu-E
富昱生化科技股份有限公司(FU-E LIFESCIENCES CO., LTD.)投入生產製造生化健康食品已有十餘年時間,2002年因應市場需求及自我期許遷址至彰化縣溪湖鎮擴廠至現今規模,並且為稟持『品質至上、安心滿意』的宗旨,對產品研發及產品品質格外重視,業已獲得食品良好作業規範(GMP)認證。 富昱公司是以成為最專業的生化健康食品製造者為期許,目前擁有四條生產線:錠劑/片、膠囊、顆粒、沖劑,除了以自有品牌「富昱」推出優質健康食品系列冬蟲夏草濃縮精、錠劑、膠囊外,更為客戶提供專業代工製造生產、包裝等全系列服務;未來更將與國內外生化科技研發單位合作,共同研發更高技術、高附加價值的生化健康食品、努力創造『富昱生活、富裕人生』的目標。西溪里忠溪路231號 Fu-E Lifesciences Co, Ltd, a most professional life and healthy products supplier, has four main products lines: (1) Tablet (2) Capsule (3) pellet (4) dissolving-in-water pellet/pill. We produce our own high quality healthy product brand "U-O" for Vitamin C series, includes tablet, pellet, and dissolving-in-water pellet. We also provide contract manufacturing from producing to packaging. In the future, we will cooperate with biotech research and development units worldwide to develop much more advanced biotech foods with high added value and fulfill the commitment of enriching everyone's life.
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