翰陞全球科技有限公司主要研發及生產無線監控產品.同時代理國外先進反恐設備、刑偵設備、警用器材。 我們將為您提供完善的產品和一流的服務,期待與相關行業的公司開展深入的合作...
With over 6 years experience in electronics and IT products design and manufacturing, Tec-city positions itself as an Integrated Solution Provider. Our main office is located in the central of Kaohsiung City and an executive office in the neighborhood of Nei-Hu Technology Park, the new region that Hi-Tech companies gathered in Taipei. With this geographical advantage, we are able to closely co-work with our partners, and fast develop the integrated solution that our customers require.
To ensure the quality we deliver to our clients, our partner factory are all ISO-9000, 9002 and ISO-14001 certificated