HR1100 具有機械制動‧一般自動化技術
Electronic handwheels facilitate workpiece setup on positioning units and in automation applications. Despite its compact dimensions, the HR 1100 series from HEIDENHAIN are robust, making it suitable both for portable and for stationary housings. The mechanical detent with 100 positions per revolution permits very precise and exact control of the motion. The various output signals allow connection to many standard programmable logic controllers (PLC) and PC slot cards. Controls from HEIDENHAIN use handwheels with expanded interface functions, which is why the HR 1100 series cannot be connected to them.
HR1120 100 ID:687617-01
HR1120 100 ID:687617-05
HR1120 100 ID:687617-04
HR1120-100 ID:687617-03
HR1190 100 ID:687619-02
HR1190 100 ID:687619-04
HR1190-25 ID:687619-05
HR1190 100 ID:887819-04
HR1190-25 ID:687619-03
HR1190-100 ID:687619-07
PISCO 節流閥低流量 JSMU3L 使用壓力0.1~0.9Mpa 氣