LED產品特色是運用LED設計並製作各式禮品、家用品及商業展示用品。主要產品介紹:LED商品展示燈、LED展示盒、LED 吊燈、LED 裝飾燈、LED壁板燈、LED抱枕、LED鏡子、LED蠟燭燈飾、LED置物架、LED紙燈籠等,以及依據客人產業別的不同需求所需之LED產品,例如:酒類產品、3C產品展示架,或公仔造型PVC小夜燈等,產品種類豐富,歡迎洽詢。
We specialize in designing and manufacturing all kinds of LED mood lights for both home decoration and commercial use.
In order to make your business or OEM projects smoother, our skillful team can offer competitive prices, the latest items, and provide samples quickly.
For manufacturing, we have strong organized production procedures, and excellent quality control systems.
You are welcome to contact the Trend Square Team for any light up products. We look forward to the opportunity of working together to meet your needs.