Cool Mate RV Cooler Box
Cool Mate RV Cooler Box
Are you tired of the traditional cooler box which was clumsy and inconvenient to carry?
Why not try the new Cool Mate RV COOLER BOX to experience the new feeling?
- The update Cool Mate RV Cooler Box possesses the best insulation to preserve the heat and coldness for 6 days without any power system.
- The Cooler was fabricated by using the robust PC as well as water proof materials which were in accordance with ROHS standard.
- The product possesses 1 year guarantee under the normal operation.
- Silver medal Nuremberg in Germany
- USA, Europe and Asia patent
- Golden Hand Certificate
- Taiwan Symbol of Excellent
- National Product Design
Cool Mate RV行動冰箱是冰箱界的LV
* ST-168A 涼伴RV行動冰箱, 一年保固
* ST-188A Cool Mate RV行動冰箱
驚夏強棒, 唯一選擇!
超級震撼價 NT$1,999
全國唯一榮獲經濟部 RV行動冰箱台灣精品獎和設計優良獎
Shen Tsan Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 886 4 26880065# 12
Fax: 886 4 26882655
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