I/O interface application. Connection & Expansion at once.
[ Applied on Mitsubishi M70/M700 Series ]
Providing CNC M70/M700 series the I/O interface application that especially applied on Mitsubishi remote I/O controller:
FCUA-DX121 for I/O output application. Through transmission cable to connect the controller external connector:
D0-L and 40-pin MIL connector of relay module: G2R-OR16DW-SP together to accomplish 32-channel output
interface application.
I/O 輸出應用。同時串聯和擴充!
[ 應用於 Mitubishi CNC M70/M700系列 ]
專應用於Mitsubishi遠程I/O控制模組 FCUA-DX121的I/O輸出應用,解決 CNC M70/M700 系列的I/O省配線作業。
透過傳輸線將控制模組(FCUA-DX121) 外部端口DO-L以及bore繼電器模組(G2R-OR16DW-SP)上的40-pin牛角連接器做雙向串聯後,