@Risk 是全世界最被廣泛使用的風險評估工具,協助使用者在風險環境下做出最正確的決策。 Manage the Future @RISK使用蒙特卡羅(Monte Carlo)模擬進行風險分析,
@RISK 5.5.1已發佈!
@RISK 5.5.1 for Excel運行類比的速度比5.0版快了2到20倍。它同樣也包含了改善您的分析、節省時間,以及支援在您組織內部全面系統性採用進行分析。
Risk & Decision Analysis
The complete risk and decision
analysis toolkit, including @RISK, PrecisionTree, TopRank, NeuralTools, StatTools, Evolver, and RISKOptimizer.
Risk analysis for Excel using
Monte Carlo simulation!
Schedule and cost risk analysis for Microsoft Project using Monte Carlo simulation.
Visual decision analysis for Excel using decision trees.
Data Analysis
Sophisticated neural networks for Excel.
Advanced statistics toolkit for Excel.
Innovative optimization for Excel
Developer Kits
Add Monte Carlo simulation and reporting to any Windows or web application.
Add distribution fitting to any Windows or web application.
Add genetic algorithm optimization to any Windows or web application.
Add genetic algorithm optimization combined with Monte Carlo simulation to any Windows or web application.
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